
VFD Startup and Installation

Enviro-Max can install and start-up all manufacturers of drives. Also, Enviro-Max will help out the customer by submitting all of the Rebate Forms to help the customer get the maximum cost savings when doing the drive.

Does your facility currently have a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) on this equipment?

VFD Startup

Replacing a quantity of (218) x 400w metal halide lights running (24) hours a day for (7) days a week with 4 lamp T5 fixtures saves approximately 50kw

Assuming that the run time on the motor is the same as the lights, Adding (1) 100 HP drive to to a motor and dialing the motor back to (70%) speed saves approximately 50kw.

VFD Startup

Using Enviro-Max drive services: You, the customer can have the ability to control the speed of the motor and save your facility a tremendous amount of energy.Contact Enviro-Max about drive opportunities today!

VFD Startup VFD Startup VFD Startup

24/7 Emergency Service 317-879-8200